I hope that it Snows!

December 19 – January 7

It couldn’t have been more perfect that there was snow sprinkled on the grouund when I walked to school this morning.  For the last couple of weeks we have been reading winter books (Snowy Day and Waiting for Winter) and looking at our weekly winter report – hoping for snow! What more could I ask for to culminate the K/1, 1/2 winter unit.  This week we are working to turn our library into a winter wonderland – a display that this time strapped librarian is hoping will last well into February!

Students are meeting on the rug where we watch one sample snow flake (materials needed include basket coffee filters, scissors, and of course paper bags to catch our clippings).  In addition to Ms. Wynkoop modeling the taco, 1/4, pizza fold and making small cuts, we also looked at the Happy Snowflake App on the library iPad to see how the cutys we make translate into snowflake patterns.

After library checkout, we are listening to a specially selected medley of snow and winter songs while we quietly create our one-of-a kind snowflakes and bask in the magic of snowfall.  Students are delighted to see their work instantly displayed in the library!

Graphic Novels – we’re on our way!

Students were given a little more time to finish their story paths and mark pages in their selected books to use when putting their graphic novel together.  We will be using StripDesigner on our library iPads to create our graphic novels.  After receiving verbal approval of thier path and pages, students began to use the iPads to take photos of their book – the first step in this process. 

In addition to our time working on our culminating project of our storytelling unit, students were also allowed to check out up to 8 books this week – a special deal I’ve arranged with them in preparation for their long holiday break.


Puppet Shows Return to the DBE Library

December 5-December 10

In addition to our regular checkout, the 2/3 classes began to prepare for our next phase in our story telling unit – puppet shows!!  While the previous librarian was a master puppeteer, I regret to report that I am a novice.  Students, however, have begun to prepare their puppets and will work from an adapted script of The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore for the next couple of weeks.